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03 juil. 2023

Big Data : quel impact pour les activités commerciales ?

Mémoire - 38 pages - Stratégie

À l'heure où l'on parle volontiers d'« économie de l'information » pour qualifier la place centrale qu'occupent désormais les informations dans la création de valeur, la question se pose de savoir quel rôle le big data — ou mégadonnées — joue désormais dans nos...

07 mai 2014

La stratégie d'Apple sur le marché des téléphones portables et les tablettes tactiles

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing technologies

La pomme. Ce seul mot permet de se référer à l'entreprise emblématique de l'High Tech, le fruit défendu auquel les concurrents voudraient bien prendre une part de marché. La première capitalisation boursière au monde, des produits de renommée internationale. En somme, tout un rouage qu'il nous...

31 juil. 2015

Brand Review : étude du marché des jeux vidéo avec un focus sur l'analyse des stratégies de Sony et Nintendo

Étude de cas - 27 pages - Marketing technologies

Au cours de notre formation au sein de l'ISCOM, nous devons réaliser une étude sur la marque nommée la BRAND REVIEW. C'est pourquoi, nous avons choisi d'étudier deux marques intéressantes par leur innovation et performance technologique : SONY et NINTENDO.

21 juil. 2015

Etude de marché du photovoltaïque

Étude de marché - 32 pages - Marketing produit

La filière du photovoltaïque est en plein essor. La matière première (le silicium) est abondante, et l'énergie solaire est inépuisable. Face à la hausse des prix des énergies fossiles, les énergies renouvelables vont devenir de plus en plus incontournables à l'avenir. Le photovoltaïque...

23 Mars 2010

Etude de cas : Aubade

Étude de cas - 29 pages - Marketing produit

Avec plus d'un siècle d'existence, l'entreprise Aubade c'est d'abord une grande famille de 450 collaborateurs qui partagent les mêmes valeurs et la même vision de l'avenir. A la tête de la société Aubade, la troisième génération de Pasquier perpétue le mouvement initié...

24 févr. 2008

Analyse de la stratégie et des ressources d'

Étude de cas - 21 pages - Management organisation

La société est donc créée dans le garage de Jeff Bezos à Seattle, comme de nombreuses start-up de l'époque. Cette installation à Seattle n'est pas anodine et est le résultat de la stratégie de Jeff Bezos. En effet si M. Bezos vient s'installer à Seattle c'est avant tout...

31 Janv. 2009

Projet de création d'entreprise - ProPen : lancement d'un stylo bille 4 couleurs avec des mines de crayon

Étude de cas - 54 pages - Stratégie

Nous souhaitons développer un produit qui est une évolution du stylo bille 4 couleurs traditionnel. En effet, nous proposons une évolution du stylo en ajoutant aux 4 couleurs, des mines de crayon de différentes tailles. Ainsi, il faudra juste choisir la couleur que l'on souhaite, la mettre face à...

07 Nov. 2014

E-Commerce report : Aigle's e marketing plan

Étude de cas - 32 pages - Digital & e-marketing

Aigle was created in 1983 by Hutchinson, originally boots manufacturers for farmers and land workers. Since the late nineteenth century, Aigle started manufacturing all types of boots and shoes following the evolution of fabrics technologies. Throughout the last decades, Aigle has been expending...

25 Nov. 2014

L'engagement du consommateur envers les marques de distributeurs : un modèle relationnel

Mémoire - 81 pages - Marketing distribution

The distribution is the system which takes in charge all the operations by which a product that has been just made is given to the consumer or to the user. This field integrates three essential functions: a logistic function (delivery, storage), a transactional function (sale), and an...

06 Nov. 2014

Analyse stratégique de la marque de grande distribution Carrefour et son usage des outils d'e-commerce

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Digital & e-marketing

I'll first introduce you the Carrefour brand and the way they do business, its strategy to get more and more market shares, and finally I'll show you how the three different topics I picked up could bring them a competitive advantage over its competitors. The main activity of the group is...

06 Sept. 2008

Rapport : création de "la marque Ecosse"

Étude de marché - 11 pages - Marketing tourisme

The tourism market has never been so competitive. Ten top destinations appropriate 70% of international tourists (Pike, 2004). Whether they want to keep or to reach a leading position on the tourism market, destinations will have to fight. Tourism in Scotland is worth 4.5bn total GDP, and...

29 juil. 2015

L'évolution du Survival Horror sur les consoles de nouvelle génération : enjeux de la fidélisation des joueurs

Mémoire - 110 pages - Marketing produit

Dans la vie d'un joueur passionné, il y a parfois des moments d'angoisse. Des univers cauchemardesques ou psychologiquement dérangeant, par l'étonnant mélange de poésie et de sadisme et/ou encore de violence, de stress ; des atmosphères et des musiques angoissantes, avec un suspens...

19 mai 2010

Motivation et culture de l'étudiant étranger à l'Université de Paisley (Écosse)

Étude de marché - 19 pages - Marketing consommateur

In this report, the subject “student life in Paisley” will be analysed. To find some answers, a topic guide has been created and filled in by a Paisley student sample. Thanks to it, a comparison between Chinese and “European” people has been possible. Two theoretical areas...

09 mai 2007

IKEA: The story of a Giant

Étude de cas - 26 pages - Marketing distribution

All started there is nearly 60 years in a small village of the South of Sweden. It is the history of the small company, specialist in the furnishing of the fine bottom of the forest smålandaise which launches out to the conquest of the world. Its creator is Ingvar Kamprad. This starts thanks to...

21 Nov. 2014

Histoire de la poupée Barbie, de Mattel et controverses actuelles

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Marketing produit

Barbie was invented by Ruth Handler, an American woman. She watched her daughter playing and she noticed that only infants dolls existed while children gave to their dolls adults roles. She quickly suggested to her husband - co-founder of Mattel - an adult-bodied doll. Ruth went to Germany and...

21 juil. 2015

Small firms in international marketing: Bringing the franchise Sushi Shop to the UK market

Étude de marché - 8 pages - Marketing produit

Sushi Shop is a French-based sushi restaurant franchise and delivery service that provides its customers with the highest quality of sushi and other fine contemporary Japanese cuisine dishes. Established in 1998, this small firm now has 97 locations in Europe, 1 in New York City, and is...

06 mai 2008

L'expansion de Clarins en Inde

Étude de cas - 18 pages - Bourse

Clarin's expansion in India (titre original) The Clarins Group has been created in 1954 by Jacques Courtins-Clarins. It is a Public Company with a Supervisory Board and a Board of Directors, with a capital stock around 325 millions of euros divided into 40 600 000 shares. At the beginning,...

03 août 2010

Risks assessment in automobile industry - Renault entry in the US market

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing automobile

The Renault Corporation was founded in 1899 and quickly became famous in motor racing. The Renault factories adopted mass production techniques in 1905 and Taylorism in 1913. Then, during the First World War, the company turned out trucks, stretchers, ambulances, shells and even the famous...

28 juin 2008

L´alliance Renault-Nissan - publié le 28/06/2008

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Management organisation

On March 27, 1999 Louis Schweitzer and Yoshikazu Hanawa signed the Alliance between Renault and Nissan in Tokyo: it was the first to involve a Japanese and a French company. Both were linked through cross-shareholding: Renault took a 36.8% stake (shares and voting rights) in Nissan while...

11 Sept. 2006

Low fat yogurt Market

Étude de marché - 25 pages - Marketing produit

In recent years, consumer interest in health and nutrition has escalated and increased the demand for healthful food products in the marketplace. Aging baby-boom populations and a trend toward self-care in relation to chronic-disease prevention and management are fuelling this demand. In the...

09 juil. 2015

Host Hotels & Resorts : financial and strategic analysis

Étude de marché - 16 pages - Finance

Host Hotels & Resorts (HST) is a real estate investment trust that exists since 1993 since the division of Marriott Corporation into management and property arms. HST is the first lodging real estate company. It owns 119 luxury and upper-upscale, full service hotels managed by strong...

02 Mars 2008

Critically assess Brandon's strategic thinking and the actions he employed in developing Virgin and implications for the future of the company

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing produit

The highly diversified Virgin group has known an impressive progression since its creation in 1970. His founder, Richard Branson has come beyond boundaries of what has been done until now because he has introduced a new way of thinking strategy. As one will see in the first part, Branson...

30 avril 2008

La stratégie d'Aircraft

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Stratégie

Business dynamics: the aircraft strategy (titre original) The aircraft game was to understand the inter-relation between the different aspects of a business and the consequences of changing one of these business aspects on the entire model. The system dynamics is described by internal factors...

03 juil. 2015

Analysis of the sport's industry and its strategies

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie

[...] Sponsoring is really important for big events as Olympic Games or rugby world cup. We can underline why some companies sponsor this kind of event? And what can they gain from this? First of all, there is the biggest sport event worldwide coming this summer. So it seems quite relevant...

28 avril 2008

Négociation et résolution du conflit : analyser une négociation

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Management organisation

Along this report, I will describe a Negotiation case I have really encountered during my first internship, in June 2004, in a Sports Travel Agency. This company, called France-Sport Association is the leader in sport travel organization in France. I was employed in the Rugby Department as...

04 juin 2008

Marketing stratégique - Management : Debenhams

Étude de cas - 26 pages - Marketing produit

Strategic marketing - Management: Debenhams (titre original) Debenhams opened its first store in 1905, and in 1929 listed its shares on the London Stock Exchange. Nowadays Debenhams is one of the most important department store chains in the United Kingdom. In this depressive economic...

09 mai 2008

How NGOs are developing their management styles and marketing in order to achieve greater efficiency, whilst maintaining their core values?

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Management organisation

“Non-Governmental Organisations have long been regarded as welfare agencies working on the periphery of development. Since the 1980s, NGOs have emerged as a major development force in many developing countries” (Afful, 1992). According to Afful, NGO are no longer in the shadow of...

22 avril 2024

Démocratisation et sauvegarde de l'art pictural grâce aux apports de la Blockchain

Mémoire - 36 pages - Stratégie

Mars 2021, la maison de vente aux enchères Christie's propose lors d'une de ses séances une oeuvre spéciale et inattendue, pour le prix de départ de 100 $. Il s'agit de 5000 oeuvres numériques vectorielles regroupées sous forme de mosaïque en une seule oeuvre intitulée « Everydays :...

06 juil. 2015

Personal Marketing Plan

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Marketing produit

Managing one's career is a difficult task just as managing a product on the market. One's career goes through different stages and evolves with choices and personality. Graduation is a very important step in a student's life, yet it is only where things really begin. In fact, it...

05 déc. 2008

Dess, Gregory G., Lumkin, G.T., Eisner, Alan B - "Strategic Management, Text and Cases" case 37 : General Motors

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Stratégie

What are the general environmental factors that have an impact on General Motors? General Motors (GM) has known very hard times since 2000, as much as car industry. That is why GM had to reduce hourly workers, which means that 35,000 jobs were eliminated. Moreover, GM decreased health care...